
The space available for each poster is 2.20 x 0.98 m. Ideally, posters should be displayed vertically and poster dimensions should not exceed 1.20 x 0.80 m :. It should be printed on paper or canvas with a rope on the upper part to hang it on the board. It will not be allowed to glue any printed material on the  poster board.

Title and authors

It should be the same as that in the approved abstract. Please, provide the names of all authors and affiliation (e.g., laboratory / department, institution, city and state) below the title. The name of the presenting author  MUST be underlined.

Poster display

Author in charge of presenting the work should place the poster on the poster board in the day of the presentation and withdraw it after the exhibition hours of the same day. Posters that are not removed by the end of the day will be sent for recycling by the CBH organizing committee.

* Only the posters presented during the 9th Brazilian Congress of Herpetology will be published in the annals of the event.


The Organizing Committee of the 9th Brazilian Congress of Herpetology informs speakers that slides format is the old one – not widescreen – to avoid possible formatting problems.